Here is a collection of resources that I have found useful.


1. Seeing theory

Introductory course on probability and statistics, offers free PDF download. Link

2. Gary’s King’s lectures on quantitative methods

Prof. Gary King has a great lecture series on Quantitative Social Science Methods hosted on Youtube.

3. MIT open course: Statistics for Applications

MIT’s open course on statistics, provides a introductory level overview on topics such as MLE, regression, bayesian statistics, and principle component analysis. Link

4. Social network analysis

Here are some useful resources on social network analysis:

6. Book on EMA analysis

Free online book on Experience Sampling data analysis, with data and R code to replicate examples in the book. Link

#### 7. Book on Ego networks

Book titled “Personal Networks: Classic Readings and New Directions in Egocentric Analysis”, out Oct 2021. Link


1. Neuromatch conference talks


About 100 talks from neuromatch conference! Everything is tagged and linked and closed captioned via machine learning.

2. Prof. Rebecca Saxe’s fMRI bootcamp

A series of tutorial videos on fMRI analyses (featuring univariate analyses, MVPA, RSA, classification) taught Prof. Rebecca Saxe of MIT.


3. Dartmouth’s tutorial on fMRI analyses using Python

Course Overview: “The goal of the class is to introduce: (1) how the scanner generates data, (2) how psychological states can be probed in the scanner, and (3) how this data can be processed and analyzed. Students will be expected to analyze brain imaging data using the opensource Python programming language. We will be using several packages such as numpy, matplotlib, nibabel, nilearn, fmriprep, and nltools. This course will be useful for students working in neuroimaging labs, completing a neuroimaging thesis, or interested in pursuing graduate training in fields related to cognitive neuroscience.”


For example, they have a chapter on PPI analysis using nilearn pipelines here.

4. Some useful brain parcellations

5. Tutorial for Neuroimaging Analysis Methods For Naturalistic Data

Online book (with python code examples) from the Dartbrains Neuroimaging group Link

6. Visualization

Here are some resources on fMRI data visualization

7. Neurohackademy

A few years of lectures on many different fMRI analysis tools and Python.


8. Dr. Martin Monti’s lectures on fMRI

Dr. Martin Monti, from UCLA, has made lectures from his course names “Computational Methodology for Neuroimaging” available online here.


1. Friendly Universe

Friendly Universe is a Qualtrics survey template to anonymously measure the structure of individuals’ social networks. Friendly Universe measures the nodes and edges of the network, as well as the group (i.e. family, friends), and the emotional closeness of each node. This tool is easy to use and can be custromized through Qualtrics and Javascript.

Github repo

2. Profile Pic Maker

An online tool that uploads portrait photos, automatically extracts the avatar, and generates a profile picture.

3. How I build this site.

I built this site using Rmarkdown. I was specifically looking for tools to build a personal website with the following considerations:

  1. Simple: All I needed was to display some information on a static website. I was not planning on writing blogs.

  2. Automated: such as being able to pull information from my google scholar page.

  3. Easy to use.

I ended up building this site using Rstudio, inspired by this tutorial.

4. Tips from the Social Identity and Morality Lab (PI: Dr. Jay Van Bavel)

A series of Youtube videos featuring useful topics such as: “Tips on Landing a Postdoc”, “Making an R Shiny App”, “How to Use Zotero”, and “How R can help you build Qualtrics Surveys”.


5. Syllabus on data management

Syllabus (with A LOT of useful resources) on data management from SIPS 2021. syllabus.docx